Common Household Repairs and How to Tackle Them: A Handyman’s Guide

As a local handyman, I’ve seen my fair share of household repairs. Some are straightforward, while others can be a bit more complex. Nonetheless, it’s essential for homeowners to understand how to tackle these common issues. In this article, I’ll outline some typical repair jobs you may encounter, providing step-by-step guidance to help you resolve them efficiently and effectively. Discover more about home repairs and maintenance. Remember, safety comes first – always use appropriate personal protective equipment and follow safety guidelines when working on any repair project.

Fixing a leaky faucet

A dripping faucet can be both annoying and wasteful, but luckily, it’s a relatively simple fix. Here’s how to tackle it:

Step 1: Turn off the water supply to the faucet. Locate the shut-off valve beneath the sink and turn it clockwise until it stops.

Step 2: Remove the faucet handle by unscrewing or prying off the cap, then loosening the screw beneath it. Carefully pull the handle off the stem.

Step 3: Use a wrench to unscrew the packing nut, exposing the faucet stem. Remove the stem, taking note of its orientation.

Step 4: Inspect the stem for damage. Replace it if necessary. If the stem is in good condition, replace the worn-out washer and O-ring with new ones.

Step 5: Reassemble the faucet by reversing the disassembly steps. Turn the water supply back on and test the faucet for leaks.

Unclogging a drain

Blocked drains are a common household issue. Here’s a simple method to clear them:

Step 1: Remove the drain cover, if possible. Use a plunger to create a seal over the drain opening and pump it vigorously several times to dislodge the blockage.

Step 2: If the plunger doesn’t work, use a drain snake or a straightened coat hanger with a small hook at the end. Push it into the drain and twist it to catch and remove the clog.

Step 3: For stubborn clogs, use a chemical drain cleaner or a mixture of baking soda and vinegar followed by hot water. Follow the instructions on the product or allow the homemade solution to sit for 15 minutes before flushing.

Step 4: Replace the drain cover and test the drain to ensure it’s clear. Patching a hole in drywall Accidents happen, and sometimes walls get damaged.

Here’s how to repair a small hole in drywall:

Step 1: Clean the edges of the hole, removing any loose or damaged drywall. Measure the hole’s dimensions and cut a patch of new drywall slightly larger than the hole.

Step 2: Apply a layer of joint compound around the hole. Press the drywall patch into the compound, ensuring it sits flush with the wall surface.

Step 3: Apply a layer of joint compound over the patch, feathering the edges to blend it with the surrounding wall. Allow it to dry as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

Step 4: Once dry, sand the patched area smooth, being careful not to damage the surrounding wall. Wipe away dust with a damp cloth.

Step 5: Prime and paint the repaired area to match the rest of the wall.

Repairing a squeaky door hinge

Squeaky door hinges can be irritating, but they’re simple to fix:

Step 1: Identify the source of the squeak by slowly opening and closing the door. Listen for the specific hinge causing the noise.

Step 2: Protect the surrounding area with a drop cloth or paper towel to catch any drips or spills.

Step 3: Apply a lubricant, such as WD-40, silicone spray, or even cooking oil, to the hinge pins. Gently tap the hinge pin upward with a hammer and a punch or screwdriver until you can remove it.

Step 4: Apply a generous amount of lubricant to the removed hinge pin, then reinsert it into the hinge. Wipe away any excess lubricant.

Step 5: Open and close the door a few times to distribute the lubricant evenly throughout the hinge. If the squeak persists, repeat the process with the other hinges.

Fixing a broken window pane

A broken window is not only unsightly but also a safety hazard. For more info, visit Budget Home Repair. Here’s how to replace a broken pane:

Step 1: Carefully remove the broken glass while wearing thick gloves to avoid injury. Use a putty knife or chisel to scrape away the old glazing compound and glazier’s points holding the pane in place.

Step 2: Measure the dimensions of the window opening and order a new pane of glass cut to size from a local hardware store or glass supplier.

Step 3: Apply a thin layer of glazing compound to the window frame where the glass will sit. Carefully press the new pane into the compound, ensuring it’s snug and centered.

Step 4: Install new glazier’s points every 4-6 inches around the pane’s perimeter, using a putty knife to press them into the frame.

Step 5: Apply a bead of glazing compound around the edge of the glass, smoothing it with a putty knife or your finger. Allow the compound to dry as per the manufacturer’s instructions before painting the frame to match the surrounding window trim.

These common household repairs may seem daunting at first, but with patience and the right tools, you can tackle them confidently. Remember to prioritize safety and consult a professional if you’re unsure about any step in the process. With some practice, you’ll become a DIY repair expert, making your home more comfortable and functional while saving money on expensive service calls. Learn more from

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